Wednesday, September 1, 2010

googler reader is my friend

That picture, however, is NOT. Just go with it :) I've been blogging for a while, but it was only in the last several months that I discovered the great world beyond the "family update" blog. But inevitably, every time I found a blog, I lost it. I couldn't remember what it was called or how I got there. Then I discovered why "following" someone was actually a good thing. See the little faces over there to the left, under "Why can't we be friends?" That's the Google Follower contraption. This is probably no news to you mega bloggers out there [who aren't even reading this] but it's news to me!

Every time I follow someone and they post something new, they pop up in my Google Reader feed. LOVE. Because I'm OCD, I categorize all my blogs - decorating, crafts, cooking, friends, family, general musings. And it's how I start my morning. Breakfast, check. Coffee, check. Blog roll, check. It makes me positively giddy to see what all you lovely ladies are up to on a day to day basis. And now I don't forget anyone!

So that's my word-o-wisdom for the day. I was feeling some special love toward The Google today and wanted to pass it along. Free of charge :)

So go! Follow! Discover the happiness that is cyber-stalking.

Oh, the joys of the good ol' internet.


  1. Yes! I love google reader too! :)

  2. Be careful. It can be addictive! I just added your blog to my Reader and you are blog 1137.



I love reading what you have to say! Thanks for taking the time to say it :)

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